Monday 10 October 2016

Living and Working in the Pembrokeshire National Park

We lived in this beautiful part of  the United Kingdom for 16 yrs.We overlooked the sea and
the air was so clean and fresh at all times,looking out to sea we could see Ireland on a clear 
                 day and we  were just walking distance to the nearest beach.

      As a family, we all benefitted from the fresh air and lived a very healthy life there.
We had two sons and a daughter and they all went to school there,our youngest started in
primary school there.He was confused by the language at first and was making his way home
when he was spotted by a neighbor.It was a Welsh speaking area so a lot of the children in
            their first school were speaking Welsh,however, he soon settled down.
He went on to the senior Comprehensive School where his elder brother and sister had
                                          completed their education .

My wife used to help me on the farm when we 1st moved there but later took a job in
nursing at the local hospital,although local it was 15 miles away,and a 30minute drive .
She enjoyed her time working there she worked on  Maternity and it was a happy
                                      unit and she made many friends.

I enjoyed working there,there were many challenges not least the weather.
'The New Land 'was additional land purchased after we moved there it was right on
the coast and making hay there was a big challenge at times,we would just get the crop
ready for harvesting and the mist would rise off  the sea and that could mean another
                                                   wasted day.

Our livestock consisted of Dairy and Sheep and an array of small animals including
Chinese Geese which were very good at letting you know when you had visitors.
We also had lots of farm cats and two house cats.The house was separate from the
farm buildings,but on occasion  the two groups would meet up,not a friendly liaison.

I had many good friends there and have many happy memories,from the time we lived
there,we had two dogs one was a Labrador Elsa which was a house dog and one was
a collie called Ben he was a farm dog and stayed close to me all the time he would ride
              behind me on the motorbike whenever I used it across the fields.
     If anyone was looking for me and they found Ben they knew I wasn't far away.

During our 1st winter there we became blocked in by snow,we had to wait 10 days
for the roads to be cleared,we had to take the milk across the fields to meet the milk
tanker  that normally collected from the farm,this was to be the 1st and last time we
                                    had to do this,thankfully!

When we left there all the children were serving in the R.A.F traveling to different parts
          of the world, only our daughter served in an active-war-zone in Iraq.